Kitten Left in a Park but Adopted by a Cat, He’s so Clingy He Sticks to Everyone

Posted October 30, 2023 by: Admin
Approximately two months ago, a tiny kitten was discovered all alone in a park, without anyone to care for him. At just one week old, the kitten required constant care and attention, either from a mother cat or a dedicated bottle feeder. Realizing that the kitten had been abandoned, the finder reached out to a local animal rescue organization, Be Their Voice Animal Rescue, for assistance.
Aimee, a board member of the rescue, immediately stepped in to help. She took the kitten into her care and had a plan in mind for the tiny orphan.
A few weeks before rescuing the kitten, Aimee had opened her home to a mother cat named Lucy and her litter of six kittens, who were born in a shelter. Lucy was overjoyed to leave the kennel and settle into a comfortable home.
Having a nursing mother is crucial for the well-being of a newborn kitten. Aimee introduced the little orphan to Lucy, hoping she would accept him.
Within seconds, Lucy embraced the new addition, started caring for him, and allowed him to nurse alongside her own kittens. Despite being the smallest of the bunch, the rescued kitten held his own, vying for Mama’s attention and snuggling up to her for extra TLC.
Despite being two weeks younger, the kitten, named Rerun, managed to keep up with his foster siblings, achieving one milestone after another. He grew almost as big as the other kittens.
Rerun would drape his body over Lucy’s neck, cuddle with her face, snuggle on her chest, or wrap his arms around her leg, clinging to her until he drifted off to sleep.
When other kittens attempted to play rough with him, he would swipe at them with one paw while holding onto his foster mom with the other.
When Aimee wasn’t in the kitten room, Rerun would join the others in a snuggle-pile. He always seemed to be at the center of every cuddle-fest.
Some things never change – he clung to his foster mom on day one and continues to do the same with his humans to this day.
When a potential adopter came to meet the kittens to find a new feline companion, Rerun immediately made his presence felt. “He climbed into her lap and made himself right at home.”
The sweet boy purred nonstop until he fell asleep in the adopter’s arms, sealing the deal for her that day.
Pita has blossomed into a beautiful young cat with a vibrant personality. Now, he has a loving family to cuddle with every day.