Looking for a healthy lifestyle for you and your partner? Here’s how to convince your spouse to join you.

Posted August 13, 2020 by: Admin
For couples, Lopez suggests picking a day of the week to cook meals that both of them enjoy.
Continue your journey.
Follow your instincts and choose foods that will keep you happy and healthy. Life would certainly be easier if your partner would join you on your journey and agree to adopt a healthy lifestyle. But if he refuses, don’t waste your hard work just because your partner isn’t ready to change his or her diet.
Don’t give up and be the example! During this period, your partner may be able to take a more thorough look at things. And who knows? He or she may give up their unhealthy habits and join you on a voluntary basis.
Seeking support
Surround yourself with people who share your lifestyle to help with the transition. Think about your co-workers, friends or family. One of them may also be interested in making healthier choices about their eating habits. Educate yourself and try to find others with similar goals as yours and with whom you can talk and share the details of your experience. Having equally motivated people around you can be very helpful, especially if you are struggling with challenges or obstacles.