For its protection, this amazing caterpillar transforms into a snake

Posted March 1, 2024 by: Admin
When it comes to mimicry, Hemeroplanes triptolemus is a true expert. The caterpillar of this night butterfly can transform astonishingly when it feels threatened, adopting the form of a snake. One could easily be mistaken!
After seeing an image of Hemeroplanes triptolemus, most people could assert that it is a snake. However, upon closer inspection, the specimen exhibits some anatomical anomalies. Its body is actually too short compared to its reptilian counterparts because this species simply does not belong to that category of the animal kingdom.
H. triptolemus is, in fact, an insect, more precisely a night butterfly. In its larval stage, the caterpillar can take on the appearance of a deadly snake. The transformation is so realistic that it manages to deceive predators and even some curious hikers.
Mimicry taken to the extreme
This butterfly belongs to the Sphingidae family and is mainly found in the countries of South America, Central America, and Africa. The caterpillar masters the art of mimicry perfectly, pushing it to the extreme to be as convincing as possible. In addition to mimicking the colors of a snake, it can also alter the shape of its body.
By extending the anterior part, it transforms into a real reptile head, covered with scales and equipped with frightening eyes. Although harmless, it does not hesitate to bite its predators to fully play its role as a venomous snake.
It is rare to see an H. triptolemus caterpillar transform, and the few witnesses of this scene ensure that it is a truly extraordinary phenomenon. This is the case of Tracie, a guide who organizes “adventure” excursions in the tropical forests of Drake Bay, Costa Rica.
An exceptional observation
Nicknamed the “lady with insects,” she had the chance to see the caterpillar at work during one of her trips. She testifies on her site: “At first glance, this large caterpillar seemed quite ordinary.” Indeed, the insect only transforms when it feels in danger. Tracie had to touch the branch on which the specimen was perched for it to start changing its appearance.
She recounts: “It inflated the front part of its body, and gradually a new face took shape. What seemed to be eyes, nostrils, and scales slowly began to materialize. We quickly realized that this caterpillar was transforming into a snake right before our eyes.”
Unfortunately, the witnesses of this scene did not take a video. However, other internet users managed to capture the disguised little caterpillar, and as the above sequence shows, the result is astonishing.