22 Most crazy conspiracy theories related to the royal family

Posted August 18, 2020 by: Admin
14/22 Prince Harry is not the real son of Prince Charles.
There have been rumors for a long time that Prince Harry is not the son of Prince Charles. Many have claimed that Harry’s real father is none other than James Hewitt, with whom Princess Diana was once having an affair.
15/22 Queen Victoria’s grandchild turned out to be Jack the Ripper.
Several rumors suggested that Queen Victoria’s grandson, Prince Albert Victor, or Prince Eddy as he was often named, was in fact the infamous serial killer Jack the Ripper. According to the New York Times, however, an expert on the murders, who died in 1970, had previously claimed to have known Jack’s true identity, but in a letter published the day after his death, he denied any involvement between the killer and the royal family. Interesting, don’t you agree?