Is vaping healthier than tobacco? read the answer..

Posted August 13, 2020 by: Admin
Yet, many reported cases of lung disease related to e-cigarette use have caused people to be careful, to rethink their perceptions, and to question whether vaping is just as beneficial to their health as they thought it would be.
Interesting substitute…
More than 8 million people die each year due to tobacco, which explains the appearance of the electronic cigarette, whose main purpose is to help smokers to get rid of their addiction. However, some liquids contain nicotine whose concentration can be adjusted.
Health professionals have unfortunately not been able to find a single factor that could highlight the chemical substance that causes lung disease among e-cigarette smokers, compared to the traditional cigarette, which contains no less than 4000 harmful substances, some of which are carcinogenic.
The investigation…
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) estimate that approximately 120 electronic cigarette devices and their complementary substances are being studied, and although they have not been able to link them to one or more diseases, they may be able to do so in the future since the investigation is still in its early stages.
Currently, the CDC has published a warning that advises smokers to…