6 signs of anxiety that you definitely shouldn’t ignore.

Posted August 13, 2020 by: Admin
- Shortness of breath
Your heart and lungs work as a team to keep you going. For this reason, in cases of extreme anxiety – such as a panic attack – you will not only have a high heart rate, but you will also experience shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air.
Obviously, if you experience chest pain, the symptoms do not improve or if you feel much worse after a few minutes, see a doctor immediately.
- Nausea or digestive problems
A tight throat sensation, and the inability to swallow. It’s emotional distress that happens.
Anxiety can lead to a feeling of blockage in the pit of the stomach, intestinal cramps, nausea, colic pain…
“Any kind of emotional imbalance, such as anxiety, can lead to stomach problems such as nausea, indigestion, and abdominal pain,” says Dr. Merrill.