22 Most crazy conspiracy theories related to the royal family

Posted August 18, 2020 by: Admin
12/22 “Love Actually” basically predicted Harry and Meghan’s love affair.
Most fans assume that Richard Curtis’ British romantic comedy “Love Actually” predicted Harry and Meghan’s love story. For example, like Prince Harry, Sam suffered a tragic loss at a very early age. Besides, he followed his heart when it came to Joanna, a singer from his school. And for her to be an American artist is only the cherry on the cake.
13/22 Queen Elizabeth I was the real William Shakespeare.
Many theories have pointed to Shakespeare’s works, but one of the oddest is that Queen Elizabeth I was the real dramatist. According to rumors: “Elizabeth was talented in poetry, she was also considered an amazingly well-educated and thoughtful person,” unlike Shakespeare, who “supposedly did not have the knowledge to be as original and gifted as the Queen. »