22 Most crazy conspiracy theories related to the royal family

Posted August 18, 2020 by: Admin
3/22 Queen Elizabeth I was a man.
According to the Business Insider, a popular theory suggests that Queen Elizabeth I died at a young age, and she was replaced with a young boy who looked exactly like her. This was just to have some explanations for why the queen was such a strong ruler and leader, but it’s just some sexist and haters who are insecure with the idea of a woman ruler.
4/22 Princess Margaret had a secret love child.
Princess Margaret had an affair with the divorcé Peter Townsend before she engaged with Antony Armstrong. Their relationship started in 1947 during the royal tour of South Africa, at that same period, Townsend became Comptroller of the Household of the Queen Mother. Robert Brown claimed to be the love child of Margaret and Townsend, according to The Telegraph. He was born in Kenya in 1955, he said that he had sought a response to all his questions and also he wanted his case to be looked into. Brown won a high court victory in his battle to see Princess Margaret’s will.